
I Could Make That - Hand-sewn dice bags

The main difference, apart from this bag being stitched by hand, is that this bag is not lined. You could follow the same tutorial as for the lined bags and simply do the sewing by hand – possible, but a pain, and most people just don’t do that kind of hand sewing anymore, just like most folks (even craftsy ones) don’t hem sheets by hand or sit around doing embroidery to pass the time and fill a hope chest.

The simplest way to do a hand-stitched dice bag is to make it from felt, which doesn’t fray. A double layer of felt on something this small size would make it too bulky to work well, hence, this bag is unlined.

What you’ll need:

felt (The easiest thing is to buy a sheet of it from the dollar store, or a craft store like Michael’s. It comes in all different colours, and in 12″ by 9″. Around here sheets are 25 to 50 cents each. You’ll need two 12 x 9 inch sheets for this project.)
fabric scissors
thread to match your felt
a circular object with a diameter of 3.8 inches OR this hand sewn dice bag base template
ribbon or cord - about 20 to 24 inches
fray check or clear nail polish Check more