
I Could Make That - Lined dice bags

There’s tons of advice out there about how to survive a convention, the most common salient points being things like: shower daily, wear comfortable shoes, carry hand sanitizer at all times and for the love of your everlasting karma, be kind to the poor harried event organizers and your fellow convention goers.
What I’m going to offer by way of fresh new convention advice is to always carry a dice bag. Because inevitably you will find yourself at that booth that sells dice by the cupful, drooling gently and murmuring, “Ooooh, preeeeeetty.” And you’ll remember that you don’t have a set of blue dice yet, and the d4 from your favourite set went missing last month, and they’re so well priced if you buy them by the scoopful…
And then you’ll want somewhere pretty to put all the polyhedral jewels you’ve just bought.
Or to store your MtG counters, or to keep that little bottle of hand sanitizer, or your change (why do wallets never have coin pockets large enough to hold more than four quarters at once?), or the rub-on Optimus Prime tattoo you plan to paste on your buddy’s forehead when he passes out later.
Or buttons! I’ve decided to join in the buttoneering at PAX this year, and give out buttons with my little imaginary Tally’s Bestiary critters on them. Check more on